About me

Hello, my name is Jan-Willem Claereboets.
At the moment I’m living in the south part of the Netherlands in a small village called Prinsenbeek It’s located about 15 km of the belgium border.
I am married with Monique (PD7DB) and we have 2 beautiful daughters Sanne and Fleur.
I am an electrical engineer at the Ministry of Defence.
We take care of the maintenance of buildings and grounds for the Ministry of Defence.
I am responsible for runway lighting and electrical installation on Woensdrecht Air Force base.
My first ham-radio license was in 1999 with the callsign PD5JWC, in 2003 I upgraded to PE7JWC, and in 2004 the callsign PA7JWC is activated.
My father (Johan, PB2A) is also ham-radio (since 1978).
Like DXíng and contesting, My favorite modes is CW -SSB- Digi
You can hear me in many different contests with the call PA6NB or PC6M and PA6M 6m contest.
Other active callsign : 5Q7DX and PC6M and
I’m guest operator at: PI4DX ( CQ WW & WPX SSB), PA6HQ (IARU 15m CW and 160m SSB)
I hope you enjoy my website.
Maybe we’ll talk sometime on the radio.
73’s (Greetings)
Jan-Willem (PA7JWC)